To Cry Or Not To Cry; That Is The Question.

To Cry Or Not To Cry; That Is The Question.

They say that when life gives you lemon, you should make lemonade. Now, if you succeed in making good lemonade, you might be allowed to cry tears of joy. So, what do you do when life brings onions? When I was a kid, one of the many old-wives’ tales we had was...
Michelle Obama. The Woman The World Saw.

Michelle Obama. The Woman The World Saw.

I love Michelle Obama. I’m sure you already know that. Many of you also do. Michelle Obama I love her grace, and her gait. I love her quick wits, grit and the charm she so gracefully embodies. I love her class and how she has effortlessly redefined elegance and...
Loving Someone.

Loving Someone.

Loving someone could be hard, whether as a parent, a spouse, a relative or a friend… And most people make the mistake of assuming that it also gives them certain rights. Maybe it does, I am yet to yet out. What I do know is that there are lots of thing that...