by omitajane | Oct 25, 2011 | Life Lectures
When you look at me with your heart,a song goes off in my head,and a smile warms its way to every part of me.My heart reaches up to meet yours.When you look at me with your heart,You see all that I amand all that I want to be.When you look at me with your heart.I know...
by omitajane | Oct 16, 2011 | Life Lectures
Life is truly full of surprises and can shove some unexpected things in your face.I looked for you without knowing exactly what it was I was looking for. I was almost on the brink of giving up and then, suddenly..You came to me as one of life´s really pleasant...
by omitajane | Oct 12, 2011 | Life Lectures
When you called me yesterday, after a long break in communication, what came to my mind was, “… and about time too!”. At first, I wasn´t sure what to expect, but then, finding our way to the beautiful friendship we´ve built over the years is proving...
by omitajane | Oct 9, 2011 | Life Lectures
by omitajane | Oct 3, 2011 | Life Lectures
It´s not that time of the month, and my hormones seem to have suddenly gone haywire… I´m craving lemonade like it´s going out of business. I suddenly can´t understand what´s so special about chocolate. I look at my husband and I have not the faintest...