Yesterday, I took a while to talk to the ever smiling man who works as a receptionist in the tower where I work. His name is Vlad, and he has a cute 8 months old

son. He told me how energetic his little boy is and even showed me a picture. He told me about his Easter holidays and how he really loves spending time with his family.
Nothing special there, you might think. But then, when he told me “Thank you” with a huge smile on his face, as I was about to leave, it made me think.
It made me think how seemingly ordinary gestures matter. It made me think how easy it really is to be kind to people, to let people know that they matter.
This will not be the first time I stopped to chat briefly with Vlad and others in his position or similar. But, my action took on an entirely different meaning when I began to reflect on it.
Some weeks ago, I had ran into the president and founder of the big conglomerate where I work. I had no idea who he was at the point of this chance encounter. But, as I always do with everyone, I turned, flashed him a warm smile and he stopped, said hello, asked in what department I work. He then “apologised” for the fact that I couldn’t take the same lift as him, because, he was going straight down to his car park (the privileges of owning one of the biggest business landmarks in the entire nation of Spain and being a one time minister in the country). Then he shook my hand and said it was a pleasure to meet me.
Seeing the floor on the lift where “his” car park was and a look at the intimidating, well muscled man besides him (who happens to be his bodyguard) got me curious. A few minutes later and with the help of goggle, I knew whose hands I had just shaken.
I was pleasantly surprised and I honestly felt more than honoured, not to mention that for the following days, I told everyone who cared to listen about the incident.
His seemingly ordinary gesture mattered to me. It made a difference that such a “big man” as my people will say,
was kind enough to stop and chat with me.
Being kind, nice, cheerful to people comes naturally to me and I never really think about the impact or lack of it that this might have.
But, after these encounters, my resolve has been strengthened, and I will always make a conscious effort to be even kinder, nicer, more cheerful, more pleasant.
I will always lend a helping hand, a listening ear and with a warm and soothing smile.
I will always stop for a chat, for a hug or a handshake.
I am not looking to be liked or popular. I just hope that these small gestures will somehow manage to brighten someone’s day.
It doesn’t matter how big I become, I will always value people. I will always be humane and I will always be kind to the people whose paths I cross.