Our Blog

The Mother Eagle Mentoring Academy content is regularly updated to provide ongoing support and continuous development.

Choose To Be Happy

Choose To Be Happy

Choose to be happy. For you see, being happy is a choice. It doesn't mean there are no tears. It doesnt mean there are no pains. It doesn't mean there are no hurting words flying at you from all angles. It doesn't mean your roses have no thorns, It doesn't mean your...

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Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine's Day. Today is acclaimed to be Saint Valentine’s Day. The day love is celebrated. The day love is expressed more than any other day. The day florists, jewellers, perfumes and even chocolate sell the most. It is one of the busiest days in the year for...

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Promise To Self.

Promise To Self.

Promise myself to be... No matter what anybody might tell you, life can be tough sometimes. And, so it should  be. It's been said that nothing good comes easy, and life is good, so it shouldn't be handed to anyone on a platter. Life is not a bed of roses. Its rainbows...

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Your Choice.

Your Choice.

Your Choice to live and be happy. My very dear friend Michelle is one of the most positive people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. It would seem that she was always in a good and cheerful mood and always had something encouraging, something nice to say. The...

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Both Bound And Free.

Both Bound And Free.

Both bound and free. She said she was very happy, and when I looked into her eyes, I saw a twinkle there. I almost believed her. Then I looked again, the twinkle had dwindled. And in its place, a hollow look, She looked tired, worn out and sad. And then she told me...

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Stop Pretending.

Stop Pretending.

Have the courage to be imperfect. Have the courage to be imperfect and the gracefulness to celebrate the things you do well. Stop pretending to be perfect and don't allow anyone tell you that you're not good enough. Stop pretending to have it all together all the time...

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Your life. Your wardrobe.

Your life. Your wardrobe.

Your Life. Your Wardrobe. In life, some relationships are like old clothes, there comes a time when you outgrow some of your old clothes or they outgrow you, probably because you gained or lost weight in some places... Maybe, because their colours fade, or because...

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