by omitajane | Jun 30, 2017 | Power Networks
There are people who will take up permanent abode in your past. These ones, no matter how high you climb in life, the only story they will keep telling about you is how they knew you when you were “nobody” and when you had “nothing”. Your Past...
by omitajane | Jan 17, 2017 | Elevated Woman
I love Michelle Obama. I’m sure you already know that. Many of you also do. Michelle Obama I love her grace, and her gait. I love her quick wits, grit and the charm she so gracefully embodies. I love her class and how she has effortlessly redefined elegance and...
by omitajane | Oct 11, 2016 | Elevated Woman, TME Mentoring
The Girl Child. The throes of your future still uncertain. The history of your past still darkened. The present still clouded and burdened. In life. In birth. And in death. The Girl Child. The burdens you bear. The expectations you must meet. The gifts you must bring....
by omitajane | Sep 15, 2016 | Change Management
These days, every September and after the summer holidays, we see a lot of our young ones going back to school and the rest of us all head back to work and to the usual hustle and bustle of everyday life. For me the worst part of my first day back to work after the...
by omitajane | Sep 6, 2016 | Power Networks
Friends: those people who know how to push the right buttons and at the right time. the ones who push you to be better and to see better. they propel you to the right direction and hold you when you miss your step. the ones who know your weaknesses and love you...
by omitajane | Aug 30, 2016 | Elevated Woman
Please, don’t compare me with my friend or with yours. She is not me and I am not her. She is strong in many ways and I am stronger in so many other ways. Maybe she cleans better than I do, but maybe I cook better, or vice verse. She might be more tolerating of...