by omitajane | Jan 5, 2014 | Life Lectures
Just before I left home, three weeks after my 16th birthday, my Mum called me into a private meeting with her and while looking me directly in the eyes, she told me she was allowing me go, only because she trusted me completely and firmly believed that I would hold on...
by omitajane | Jan 5, 2014 | Life Lectures
As has become a norm, the beginning of every new year brings with it new resolves, decisions to do things differently, or better. To do more of some things or less of others. As a woman, I find myself making new resolutions everyday. I find myself learning and...
by omitajane | Jan 5, 2014 | Life Lectures
“Don’t ever let yourself get so busy that you miss those little but important extras in life- the beauty of a day, the smile of a friend, the serenity of a quite moment alone. For it is often life’s smallest pleasures and gentlest joys that make the biggest and most...
by omitajane | Nov 14, 2013 | Life Lectures
In life, there are different stages, there aredifferent seasons and as the scriptures says time fordifferent things, “…a time for every purpose underheaven” (Ecc.3:1). There is a time to be single and atime to be married. It is essential that we first and foremost...
by omitajane | Nov 14, 2013 | Life Lectures
Is “the graceful woman” lost in today’s “anything you can do, I can do better” world? Does it end with having a flourishing career? Has being graceful been reduced to just the outward appearance, being well made up? I find the study of women in society and how...
by omitajane | Sep 18, 2013 | Life Lectures
By the time I become an old woman and wrinkled with age, I’ll still be given to meditation and prayer.I would enjoy sitting in a rocker, listening to soft music, reading a good book, maybe even writing. Probably swallowing prescriptions, and contemplating...