by omitajane | Sep 10, 2014 | Life Lectures
I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands...
by omitajane | Sep 1, 2014 | Life Lectures
“Your happiness starts with YOU – not with your relationships, not with your job, not with your money, but WITH YOU. It is not always easy to find happiness in ourselves, but it is always impossible to find it elsewhere. Remember, it is not selfish to love...
by omitajane | Aug 25, 2014 | Life Lectures
Joggle Lounge.: Emotional Intelligence: Rules from my Mum: For over a decade now, the issue of teaching Emotional Intelligence has become hot trending topic. Everybody is talking about it, there a…
by omitajane | Aug 25, 2014 | Life Lectures
Joggle Lounge.: The ones who understand failures.: Big dreams and big goals can only be realized as long as you are ready to fail – again and again. And, you see, the most successful peopl…
by omitajane | Aug 21, 2014 | Life Lectures
One of life’s magic rule is to be always clear about our priorities and to focus always on the things that truly matter. In a world where society imposes norms and conventions and expectations, we tend to lose sight of our own individual sense of things of value...
by omitajane | Aug 20, 2014 | Life Lectures
So, the WHO has declared the recent Ebola outbreak an international health concern and the whole world is worried. Ebola is not only a threat to lives and generations, but it has also become another point of reference and a racist weapon for those who have convinced...