As shared by a divorced man

As shared by a divorced man

I am curios about relationships. I am looking at marriages. I am learning from marriages. Both the making of it and the breaking up of it. And, it seems to me that a lot of people keep making the same mistakes and getting similar results. It appears that a lot of...
And for the men. I eavesdropped.

And for the men. I eavesdropped.

Mum was among other things, a marriage counsellor and among our many “crimes” was eavesdropping. Many a times, we overheard conversation she had with couples who came to see her, together or alone. We heard their complains and most times we heard her say...
The trouble with judging people: Sonna 2

The trouble with judging people: Sonna 2

As soon as I made up my mind about Sonna, I was quick to decide not to be bothered by anything she does or doesn’t do. I kept a straight face whenever I ran into her in the elevator, which luckily for me became difficult. Two weeks ago, another client who ad...
For you see..

For you see..

We should be fully aware of the fact that to every coin, there are always two sides.  We should know that everything we say, do or think will mean different things to different people at different times. We should actually expect and accept that people will many...