Let it rain.

Let it rain.

Most people don’t like rain. They find it inconveniencing. However, when it rains and rains and rains, suddenly you see plants sprouting from everywhere. Overnight, you begin to see green… Sometimes it takes us by surprise; the green, the flowers that seem to appear...
People are watching you.

People are watching you.

Mum said never to let the opinion of others deter you from doing what you know in your heart to be right. She however, insisted that we should live our lives with the consciousness of being watched by the world around us and by the heavens. We were constantly reminded...
Don’t make the same mistakes.

Don’t make the same mistakes.

Mum was a deeply spiritual woman and every time any of us did something wrong, corrections were a huge part of growing up and they were always made with Biblical references. One of her favourites will be the story of Eli, a judge/priest in Isreal in the Old Testament...


Stop spending time with the wrong people. – Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you.  If someone wants you in their life, they’ll make room for you.  You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot.  Never, ever insist...
It’s Okay.

It’s Okay.

It’s okay to dress appropriately. It’s okay to look stylish and elegant. It is really okay to break the new rules of what is “cool or uncool”.It is okay not to fit in with the crowd, to stand out.It is okay to be true to yourself and to follow...
Being Kind.

Being Kind.

Yesterday, I took a while to talk to the ever smiling man who works as a receptionist in the tower where I work. His name is Vlad, and he has a cute 8 months old Being Kind son. He told me how energetic his little boy is and even showed me a picture. He told me about...