by omitajane | Apr 25, 2014 | Life Lectures
“Just before I left home, three weeks after my 16th birthday, my Mum called me into a private meeting with her and while looking me directly in the eyes, she told me she was allowing me go, only because she trusted me completely and firmly believed that I would...
by omitajane | Apr 16, 2014 | Life Lectures
Self affirmation is something that we should all be doing, but which nevertheless we do not do. Believing in yourself could be an uphill task sometimes. The world and its system will no doubt make it difficult. You will be knocked from all directions. And you will be...
by omitajane | Mar 30, 2014 | Elevated Woman, Life Lectures
I humbly and whole-heartedly accept the enormous responsibility of being a woman. And, I pledge to use the power therein to build, nurture, exhort, strengthen, encourage and give life.I pledge never to use this power in an untoward or undeserving manner.I pledge...
by omitajane | Mar 2, 2014 | Life Lectures
She was always there. A larger than-life and an ever constant presence in my life. I not only loved her, I stood in awe of her. There was something about her that was both intimidating and reassuring at the same time, and she was just 5’3.I also was proud of her...
by omitajane | Mar 1, 2014 | Life Lectures
I am one of the many people who believe that their Mums are the best. I won’t be the first to sing my Mum’s praise.It is indeed, no secret to everyone that know me that my mum was the strongest influence in my life. I speak about my Mum, every chance I...
by omitajane | Jan 5, 2014 | Life Lectures
Just before I left home, three weeks after my 16th birthday, my Mum called me into a private meeting with her and while looking me directly in the eyes, she told me she was allowing me go, only because she trusted me completely and firmly believed that I would hold on...