Poetry: My Person.

Poetry: My Person.

My person is not a little hard core inside of me, a little fully formed statue, that is permanent and fixed, brittle and rigid, unchangeable and sore. My person rather implies, a dynamic process, a flexible course, a steady increase. In other words, if you knew me...
Keep Going. You are not here for the audience.

Keep Going. You are not here for the audience.

Keep going. Do not stop. Keep doing what you do. And keep getting better at it. Letting your passion flow. Keep giving expression to that thing that calls forth from your soul. Giving your gifts away. Keep emptying your vessel. And keep refilling it to the brim over...
Enjoy Your Every Age. Dare To Be All Of You.

Enjoy Your Every Age. Dare To Be All Of You.

Don’t you dare stop being a blessing. Don’t you dare allow anyone to limit you or to define who you are or who you are not. No matter what you do, do not give anyone the rights to decide what you can do or what you can not do. Do not let them use neither...
Motivation For The Motivator.

Motivation For The Motivator.

I try to bring you motivation. I try to make these posts as inspiring as possible. Sometimes, I succeed, sometimes I just manage to make you smile.  I am in the business of motivating people and I am very good at pushing people to identify and maximise their...
8 Lessons We All Need to Unlearn

8 Lessons We All Need to Unlearn

The thing about life is that we never stop growing and learning, in the same way, we must continually unlearn some things. Most people grow up with preconceived notions about different things and sometimes these beliefs and notions work well for us. And...
Free to Love And Free To Walk Away.

Free to Love And Free To Walk Away.

This year started well for me. And, I started this month drunk in love. Writing about love, singing about it, dancing with it. I proclaimed it from the roof tops. I felt transported in the wings of a feeling of love so intense, it filled my lungs with joy. My eyes...