The Unbelievable Power Of Belief

The Unbelievable Power Of Belief

To truly be a high achiever, most people will give you a long list of things you will be required to do and to be. The list might vary depending on who wrote it and where you are in life at that moment, but one thing that will appear is the need to fully believe in...
Grace At Work.

Grace At Work.

What you’re about to read was my Facebook status update a few days ago. “Grace equips me to allow the people in my life to see me both at my best and at my worst. I don’t want to pretend to be what I am not. I will not pretend to feel what I am not...
Find A Balance.

Find A Balance.

Find A Balance. You and I need to find a balance between a high self esteem and humility. One without the other does not work. Recognize and celebrate your strengths, but also identify and work on your shortcomings. It is never only about strengths or only...
I Have Learnt. 1

I Have Learnt. 1

I have learnt. Over the years, I have learnt several life changing lessons. And in the next few posts, I’ll be sharing some of them with you. I hope that after reading, you can share some of yours with me and our readers. That way, we build each other up....
Rachel Dolezal. A Choice.

Rachel Dolezal. A Choice.

Rachel Dolezal. A choice. Some days ago, the media and indeed the internet went agog with the story of Rachel Dolezal, a white caucasian female who convinced a lot of people that she was of African descent. The story in itself came as a surprise to me, because up till...
The Men In My Life

The Men In My Life

Quite a number of my closest friends are men. Yes, my Mum told me it was a bad idea. She said that a girl and a boy can not be just friend. But it was one of the very rare occasions where I have disobeyed my Mum, and I am not sorry. (Sorry Mum, you know I love you and...