by omitajane | Jun 14, 2010 | TME Mentoring
Another year,on that day, all I thought of was how terribly I miss you.I was told that time heals all wounds,what I´m living is that there´re scars that never heal,and when I begin to think that they´re just scars,I’m griped and shaken,by a pain so...
by omitajane | Nov 12, 2008 | TME Mentoring
I could have told you one more time,just once more,how much I love you,I could have told you,just once more,what joys you brought,what lessons you taught,what inspirations you built. One more time, Mum But you left,too soon,abruptly, I could have told you yet again,...
by omitajane | Nov 12, 2008 | Elevated Woman, TME Mentoring
As humble a woman as my Mum.As humble a woman as she was,as humble was her life we saw,she gleamed like the star she was,a life very conscientious she lived,examples enduring she laid,stand tall always, she said,against every adversary,that way, you don´t end up in...