Don’t Stop Until It Is Done.

Don’t Stop Until It Is Done.

Once you find your purpose, once you decide that something is worth doing, don’t stop until the work is done. Don’t Stop Don’t stop because there’s no one to help, Or because you’re tired,  Or because there’s no money in it, Or...
Busy Living Fully.

Busy Living Fully.

I have been so busy for so long. Busy Living Fully. Busy being a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, yes, a mother. Busy being a friend. Busy in church. With work. With family. With things and people. There were times when I have felt completely tired, drained and...
Have You Become Cynical?

Have You Become Cynical?

Have you become cynical? I’m looking at you, Observing you, Seeing you, Listening to you, Hearing you Loving you, And it feels like you’ve become hardened, It seems like you’ve become cynical. Like you’ve become many of the things we said we will...