I could have told you one more time,
just once more,
how much I love you,
I could have told you,
just once more,
what joys you brought,
what lessons you taught,
what inspirations you built.

But you left,
too soon,
I could have told you yet again,
how much you mean to me.
How much you bless me,
and how much you lift me,
I could have told you not to go.
I look back together and I know that you were perfection.
Even your imperfections were perfect.
You were a light and a guide. And you still are.
And I should have told you again before you left.
It wasn’t enough,
the times I told you…
I could´ve said it,
one more time,
how much I still love you.
Mum, I could have told you
a lot more!