The day you stop worrying about being liked, or about fitting in is the first day of a life of freedom.
You become authentically you.
You become free.
And bold.
And powerful.
You will no longer bothered by the ones who do not like you or who do not see beauty in both your strengths and your weaknesses or those who have a different idea of who you should be or how you should be.
You will no longer be concerned about explaining your journey and the many curves and corners therein to people who have no need for your story and no faith in your gifts.
You will no longer fret about belonging to any clique and you will no longer strive to be accepted into any fold.
And you will become liberated to soar, strong, fearless and empowered.
There will still be moments when you may struggle.
There will still be a few things that you may wish would be different, but you would have boldly walked in to the understanding of who you are. And why you are here.
There will still be the occasional times when you miss your steps and make some wrong choices but, you would have positioned yourself to find the strength to rise again. And you would have absolutely no doubt about what your “expected end” is.
It is a journey. An ongoing journey. A never ending journey of discovery and growth and empowerment. Falling and rising. Crying and laughing.
But, the day you stop worrying about being like, or about fitting in, you will see your journey as a joyful one and you will be the one boldly sharing the grace that will find you.
You will see and understand that everyone who passes through your path will be of tremendous blessing; whether they come to teach you what to do or what not to do. And you will be grateful for all of it.
You will find yourself ready for the next step and then next and the next…
Today, it would appear that there are many people who struggle with their identity.
Knowing who they are.
What they have been called to do.
I have been there. I have struggled. I have known confusion. I have believed the lies of men. I have felt overburdened by societal norms and expectations and absurd demands.
I have been told about “our culture”. I have had the Bible quoted to me by those who selfishly or ignorantly or even with the best of intentions focused on only one part of the scripture.
But in spite of it all and maybe because of it all, I have found my voice. My space. My fort. My identity
And I can help you discover yours. I won’t tell you what to do. I just share my story and processes and experiences and lessons with you and maybe, just maybe, you might find something that might help you along;
a whisper.
a song.
a tear.
a laugh.
a word.
a listening ear.
a soothing smile.
a shared silence.
Clarity. Meaning. Depth. Wings to soar.
Without a worry about being liked or about fitting in.
And with love always,